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SEED Success

Build Assets, Build Lives

SEED stands for Student Educational and Economic Development. At SEED, our mission is to empower underserved families in Missouri by establishing Child Development Accounts (CDAs) and Family Development Accounts (FDAs). We are dedicated to fostering financial stability and long-term asset building, ensuring that every child and family has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Through education, resources, and community support, we strive to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter, more equitable future for all Missourians. Together, we build stronger families, resilient communities, and a foundation for lasting prosperity.

Who We Are

Our Roots

Here at SEED Success, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support and saying we believe in you even before you finish high school. Since our founding in 2018, we have been determined to make an impact on families aspirations and preparedness for work and study after high school. We believe every child can be excited about their future and be anything they want to be! SEED partners with 10 community organizations and has 700+ families we already work with to start saving for their futures. We hope to add you as a supporter or participant. 

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What We Do

Making A Difference

SEED Success is committed to universal youth and family asset building, creating opportunity for post-secondary education, ownership, and economic opportunity. SEED = Student Educational and Economic Development! Research has demonstrated that Children’s Development Accounts (CDA’s) improve how a child thinks about his/her future and their academic performance. When there is access to savings accounts, encouragement, and comprehensive financial education, a family’s outlook becomes more aspirational. When youth have as little as $500 saved for education, they are 3X more likely to attend college or be prepared for career. A comprehensive strategy for promoting asset building in schools will empower families to plan for their futures.

Recently SEED hosted the first Youth Black Farmer Program in Boone County, Missouri. Three youth served as apprentices at a local Urban Ag farm and had inspirational experiences. This program will be continued Summer of 2023.


We SEED Success through community partners, schools, and financial institutions.

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Martin Luther King Jr.

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”

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